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Teacher : André Cabannes

Objectives : The course presents an overview of Internet and the Web : history, structure, tools, applications, societal impact, economic figures.

Emphasis is put upon E-commerce and Information Systems. The central role of databases and dynamic pages in E-commerce is stressed.

By the end of the course the students will understand better what is Internet, have a better knowledge of the nature and foreseeable development of E-commerce and a better grasp of the major societal role the Net will play in the near future. They will be prepared to manage E-commerce projects and become actors in E-business.

Plan of lectures :
Lesson 1 History of computers, Internet and the Web
Lesson 2 Finding information on the Net and Tools to find information on the Net : Directories, Engines, Intelligent Agents, Newsgroups, Newsletters, Push, FTP, Financial information, etc.
Lesson 3 Basics of HTML : understanding the language (power and limits of HTML ; why XML is the Web language of the future), building a simple site : architecture, coding
Lesson 4 Introduction to databases and dynamic pages : basic concepts, relational databases, examples of sites using databases and dynamic pages. Web servers (Apache, IIS), PHP, MySQL, management of databases with PHP and MySQL
Lesson 5 Information and databases : deeper into the concepts of information, structured information, and databases. Why databases pervade our lives.
Lesson 6 Information systems : principles, usefulness, examples. The new Darpa TIAS program
Lesson 7 E-commerce : basic principles, tools, marketing
Lesson 8 E-commerce (cont'd) : examples of good and bad sites, E-shops, E-shopping malls, major actors. Why portals are becoming useless. Where the added-value of the Web lies.
Lesson 9 Internet and E-commerce : economic figures, course conclusion, NTIC and palaver...
Lesson 10 Examination (20 question written examination)

Teaching method : Lecture, explanations, guidance on the Net and discussion (with a connected computer for each student)

Prerequisite : None

Bibliography : Kienan Brenda, Managing your e-commerce business, Microsoft press, 2001

Perry James T., Schneider Gary P., New perspectives on E-commerce –Introductory, Thomson Learning, 2000

Laudon Kenneth C., Laudon Jane P., Management Information Systems – Organization and Technology in the Networked Enterprise, Prentice-Hall, 7th edition, 2001

Atkinson Leon, Core PHP Programming, Prentice-Hall, 2nd edition, 2000 (French version, CampusPress France, 2000)